zhengzhou quarter

The arrangement of the buildings and the composition of the space between are based on the principle of maximizing the extent of the landscape area. A landscaped area of a minimum of 15 meters is allocated to each unit. The units face east, south and west. The landscape areas are not necessarily used as private gardens but compromise of empty spaces that emulate open scenery and are designed to offer extensive views.

2008-2012, Zhengzhou, China.

Direct order.
HYA Ltd. Kaifeng. China.
Urban development. Residential quarter. 272 new buildings.
Urban development including residential buildings.
GFA 133.350 sqm.

Zhengzhou Quarter, Städtebau, Wohnquertier, Konzept, Analyse, städtebauliche Strukturen, Plan
further information

Urban development, residential quarter, 272 new builts

HYA Ltd. Kaifeng, China

Design - HOLODECK architects
Project team - Marlies Breuss, Michael Ogertschnig, Niels Merschbrock, Christian Rottensteiner, Mario Thaum

Scope of work:
HOA/A, §3 (1)-(2)

Area 133.350 m2, UFA 82.000 m2

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